

7060 Mounting System for Single Bar Towel Rails

Heated towel Rail


The Thermorail SRMS mounting system is designed to simply the process of installing multiple single electric heated towel rails. The mounting system is installed in the wall prior to it being sheeted with the fixing spigots and rail leads installed. The wall is then sheeted and tiled leaving the mounts and cables protruding from the wall as the fixing point of the rails on the right hand side.

The mounting system ensures an even spacing between the rail, provides a stronger fixing point for the rail and allows the wiring to be put in the correct position prior to the wall being sheeted. This will save valuable installation time on site and ensure an overall better installation. Whilst the mounting system is not mandatory for the install of single heated bathroom towel rails it is recommended especially if multiple rails are going to be installed to create a design statement in the bathroom.

The mounting system is not suitable for use with the vertical heated towel rails.

SRMS Thermorail Mounting System – 1000x110x10mm

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Model Name Mounting System for Single Bar Towel Rails
Model Number 7060
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